If you want to be a high-quality man, you must first understand these "male" questions

grace Ask questions on 2024-06-23 04:46:41
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According to the data from the National Health and Family Planning Commission, nearly 50% of adult men are suffering from various health problems. Family responsibility, professional pressure and survival pressure are like three mountains, which have crushed the health of many men. Some netizens suggested that August 3 should be set as "Men's Day". No matter how strong an iron man is, he is also vulnerable. Men also need care and rest. Some healthy "male" questions to know!

1. Infertile men are at high risk of cancer

According to the US "Internet Doctor of Medicine Network", a new study from Stanford University published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that men with azoospermia infertility (also known as "azoospermia") are more at risk of cancer than ordinary men. In the new study, Stanford University researchers studied more than 2000 men with infertility. The results showed that the risk of cancer in male patients with azoospermia increased significantly in 6 years. Among 451 patients with azoospermia, 10 were diagnosed with cancer, including 2 cases of testicular cancer, and the others included brain cancer, anterior adenocarcinoma, lymphoma and melanoma. Among 1800 male patients with other infertility, 19 cases of cancer were found.

[Expert interpretation] Chen Shilin, chief physician of Jiangsu Cancer Hospital, said that although there is no similar research in China, some male cancers are often also the cause of infertility. For example, taking lung cancer as an example, which ranks first in male tumors, smoking is recognized as the main factor that causes lung cancer. In addition, the disease is also related to air pollution, irregular life and overwork, and these factors will also affect male sexual health.

2. Men with big stomachs and eyes will suffer

It seems that the waist size is different from the eyesight. However, a new study by researchers from the University of Melbourne, Australia, found that men with large bellies will lead to age-related macular degeneration, which will greatly increase the chance of blindness, but this risk was not found in women. In the new study, scientists investigated the waist circumference changes of 21000 male and female participants aged 40 to 69, and tracked their incidence of age-related macular degeneration for many years. The results showed that even if the waist hip ratio of men only increased by 0.1, the risk of age-related macular degeneration would increase by 75%.

[Expert interpretation] Xia Chengzhi, director of the ophthalmology department of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, said that the relationship between obesity and eye diseases seems small, but in fact it is very obvious. For example, overweight will affect the health of blood vessels around the eyes. Overweight people will produce excessive C-reactive protein, which is a risk factor for heart disease. When the body contains high concentrations of C-reactive protein, the risk of cataract will also increase. In addition, obesity can also lead to other diseases, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, which can promote the formation of cataracts.

3. It is better for men to give birth before the age of 35

The latest research by French scientists found that men should give birth before the age of 35, otherwise with the growth of age, the sperm quality will be greatly reduced, and it will also bring the risk of pregnancy to the spouse. The French Institute of Health and Medicine has analyzed the treatment data of 12000 pairs of men and women in Paris specialized hospitals. The results show that the number of women whose spouses are over 35 years old has significantly exceeded that of women whose spouses are less than 35 years old, and women's own age is not the main reason for having sex.

[Expert interpretation] Xu Meichang, director of the Department of Nephrology of Nanjing Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital, said that 20-29 years old is the most vigorous period of sperm vitality in a man's life. Every "tadpole" is ready to impregnate the egg at any time. 30-39 years old: the quality level of male androgen begins to decline, the number of sperm decreases, and the erectile capacity becomes weak. After a man is 35 years old, the damage of DNA will have a serious impact. In this case, genomic errors will affect the embryo, resulting in an increase in the probability of the birth of his spouse.

4. Men play computer games for 2 hours every day and also "kill sperm"

Researchers from Harvard University in the United States found that men only play computer games for two hours every day, and the number and activity of men's sperm may be reduced to half of that of normal men. In this study, 200 men aged 22 to 32 from all over the world were analyzed. After three months of close observation, the data analysis results show that the number of sperm of men who play computer games for 15 hours or more every week is almost half of that of men who play computer games for 4 hours or less.

[Expert interpretation] Xu Meichang, director of the Department of Nephrology, Nanjing Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that sedentary men lack exercise. Keeping sitting for a long time will also lead to high testicular temperature. At the same time, sitting for a long time in an environment with electromagnetic radiation is not good for the body, which can lead to a decline in the number and quality of sperm.

5. Men who don't brush their teeth often are prone to yang*

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine by Turkish scientists found that regular brushing of teeth can not only reduce the risk of gum disease, but also reduce the possibility of erectile dysfunction in men. In addition to the higher risk of gingival inflammation, men who brush their teeth infrequently are three times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than other men. During the study, after adjusting other factors such as age, body mass index, family income and education level, researchers found that men with severe periodontal disease were 3.29 times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men with healthy gums.

[Expert interpretation] Chen Zhuo, Deputy Chief Physician of Urology Department of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, said that two-thirds of erectile dysfunction is caused by physiological factors, mainly vascular problems, while other erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors such as emotional stress and depression. Previous studies abroad have found that chronic periodontitis can lead to cardiovascular disease. Arterial obstruction disease reduces the amount of blood flowing to the heart and brain as well as the amount of blood flowing to the stem, which is easy to cause yang syndrome. Therefore, men with cardiovascular health lead healthier lives.

For male compatriots, there are many problems in their life, from yang to infertility, which are deeply related to the dignity and health of men and their families. After we understand these problems, we should try our best to avoid them, so as not to let these pathological problems perplex us as a whole.

grace 2024-06-24 11:40:23

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