Low back pain after induced abortion

A smart smile Ask on 2024-04-16 02:56:03
Recommended answer

Abortion surgery is a kind of trauma. Generally, a small amount of vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain may occur after the surgery. Most of them do not have this phenomenon within 1 to 2 weeks. If there is low back pain after people flow, find out the reasons: 1. On the one hand, it may be a long time of bad rest after surgery, such as standing or sitting for too long, which causes lumbar muscle strain. 2. It is necessary to check the low back pain caused by such diseases as lumbar disc herniation and kidney disease, which is not directly caused by abortion. 3. Another reason is to check whether there is pelvic infection. Pelvic inflammation causes low back pain, such as lower abdominal pain after abortion, abnormal smell or fever of secretion, and low back pain. In this case, infection should be considered and women should go to the hospital for gynecological examination.

A smart smile 2024-04-22 11:48:44

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