What comes out of the fistula

A young life Ask on 2024-05-26 01:02:23
Recommended answer

What flows out of the fistula is some inflammatory secretion, or it may be some secretion of internal organs that connect with the external mouth of the body surface fistula. For example, anal fistula may be accompanied by inflammatory secretion and stool, and if it is rectovaginal fistula, there may be stool overflow in the vagina, etc. Because the fistula is usually connected to a purulent drainage pipeline of the cavity organs due to the local infection abscess, the things flowing out of the fistula are all inflammatory secretions and things left in the organs connected with the fistula, which need timely debridement and drainage, and surgery if necessary.

A young life 2024-05-27 11:02:28

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