How to treat advanced colon cancer with traditional Chinese medicine

South Lane Breeze Ask on April 17, 2024 17:14:24
Recommended answer

Most patients in the advanced stage of colon cancer have already experienced metastasis. In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, they are mainly treated by clearing the intestines and removing dampness, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and at the same time, eliminating pathogenic factors and strengthening the body to prevent related complications. In the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, patients should be treated according to syndrome differentiation. For example, for patients with poor gastrointestinal digestion, qi clearing treatment can alleviate abdominal discomfort. For patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, stop bleeding and remove blood stasis to alleviate the condition. For patients with viral infection in the focus, heat clearing and detoxification treatment should be carried out as soon as possible to remove the source of infection. In addition, patients with advanced colon cancer are more likely to have emotional problems, and there are relatively many factors that affect their emotions. In traditional Chinese medicine, they can be treated by soothing the liver and regulating qi, and regulating the liver and spleen.

South Lane Breeze 2024-04-22 12:33:06

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