Judgment of indicators of hypothyroidism

Lost youth Ask on 2024-05-29 04:20:18
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Hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, is a group of low metabolic syndrome mainly caused by the reduction of thyroid hormone concentration in the blood. Hypothyroidism can be divided into pituitary hypothyroidism and thyroid hypothyroidism according to the different causes of the disease. The judgment of hypothyroidism mainly depends on the thyroid function. The indicators are as follows: 1. Pituitary hypothyroidism refers to the reduction of TSH secreted by the pituitary gland due to pituitary tumor or pituitary pathological changes, and the secondary T3 and T4 are reduced, so pituitary hypothyroidism is also called secondary hypothyroidism, and the main indicators are the reduction of T3 and T4, and the reduction of TSH. 2、 Thyroid hypothyroidism, also known as primary hypothyroidism, is caused by the reduction of T3 and T4 secretion due to thyroid lesions. The pituitary gland's function of secreting TSH is normal. The main indicators of primary hypothyroidism were lower T3 and T4, and higher TSH. 3、 If T3 and T4 are normal and only TSH is elevated, subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed.

Lost youth 2024-06-03 12:17:13

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