What medicine to take for gastroenteritis to relieve pain

Half white lotus Ask questions on 2024-05-31 01:53:39
Recommended answer

For patients with acute gastroenteritis, if the pain is severe, they can choose gastrointestinal antispasmodic drugs and gastrointestinal mucosal protective agents to actively symptomatic treatment, improve the pain symptoms, and need to register for special treatment in the Department of Gastroenterology. If necessary, blood routine test, fecal routine test, basic biochemistry test, abdominal color ultrasound and other tests should be carried out to clarify the nature of the disease and standardize drug use. At ordinary times, we should pay more attention to improving our diet and living habits to avoid repeated attacks of acute gastroenteritis. Wash your hands frequently and pay attention to hygiene. Do not eat undercooked food, drink raw water, eat roadside stalls, or eat spoiled, moldy or expired food. Meals should be fixed regularly to avoid every meal. Don't smoke or drink, take proper exercise and strengthen your physique.

Half white lotus 2024-06-03 12:18:32

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