What to do if a pregnant woman has a cold and a cough

Peach Blossoms Still Smile in Spring Ask questions at 00:50:15, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Pregnant women with cold and cough should try not to use medicine and use less medicine. Usually, the main pathogen of a cold is virus, and a few are bacteria. The condition is mild, the course of disease is short, self limiting, and the prognosis is good. Because there is no specific antiviral drug at present, it mainly focuses on symptomatic treatment, while giving up smoking, paying attention to rest, drinking more water, maintaining indoor air circulation and preventing secondary bacterial infection. In case of heating, try to use physical cooling. The fetus is in the process of development, and the development of various organs is not perfect. The drugs used by pregnant women can directly or indirectly affect the fetus, and most drugs can directly affect the fetus through the placenta. Therefore, the drugs used during pregnancy should be very careful. If the drug is used improperly by pregnant women, it may have adverse effects on the pregnant women, fetus and newborn babies. The drug use should be minimized during pregnancy. Clinically, the principle of "Do not use drugs without special reasons during pregnancy" should be followed, especially in the early pregnancy. If the patient has a serious cold and has clear indications for drug use, it is recommended to choose effective and relatively safe drugs for the fetus under the guidance of obstetricians and gynaecologists, such as traditional Chinese medicine, and try to avoid combined drug use.

Peach Blossoms Still Smile in Spring 2024-04-22 11:34:33

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