What are the effects of luffa water

Everything goes hand in hand Ask questions at 12:30:05, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

It can clear away heat and phlegm, cool blood and detoxify. The efficacy of luffa water is generally as follows: 1. It can clear away heat and dissipate phlegm, because luffa is sweet and cool in nature and enters the lung meridian from the perspective of Chinese medicine dietotherapy. For those who are hot and thirsty, cough, expectoration, blood coughing, and asthma, properly drink luffa water, which has a good effect of clearing internal heat, relieving cough, phlegm, and asthma by nourishing the lung meridian; 2. It can cool the blood and detoxify. For people with hemorrhoids bleeding, blood drenching, metrorrhagia, ulcers, carbuncles, and boils, proper drinking of luffa water has a good effect of cooling the blood and removing toxins from the body.

Everything goes hand in hand 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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