How to make fat sausages

A curtain of dreams Ask on 2024-06-04 16:03:32
Recommended answer
China's culture is extensive and profound, among which the food culture is well-known at home and abroad. Stealing fat intestines is one of the Chinese delicacies. I believe many people have eaten it. Feichang is a favorite food for many people. It tastes soft and glutinous, tastes delicious, and is rich in nutrition. It contains sufficient protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins, and a variety of minerals. But many people don't know how to clean fat intestines, and there is also the authentic practice of walking fat intestines. Now, I will tell you how to clean fat intestines and walk fat intestines to satisfy the appetites of the majority of diners!

Main material:

Feichang Pepper

Auxiliary materials:

Salad oil, Xinhe June fresh soy sauce, ginger, garlic, onion, salt, large ingredients, Chinese prickly ash.

Procedure of Fried Pork Intestines with Hot Peppers

1. Wash the small pieces cut into hobs

2. Cut the cooked fat sausage into slightly thicker pieces

3. Tray for use

4. Ingredients

5. Add oil pepper and large ingredients, stir fry ginger, garlic and scallions in the fat sausage, add Xinhe June fresh sauce, oil and salt, and then put out the fat sausage

6. Stir fry the peppers for about 3 minutes, then stir fry the sausage

Tips: Never over cook your fat intestines

A curtain of dreams 2024-06-07 10:04:47

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