What are the symptoms of laryngeal cancer?

Northern Girl Ask questions at 17:10:57, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Laryngeal carcinoma is clinically divided into vocal cord carcinoma, supraglottic carcinoma and subglottic carcinoma. Hoarseness is a typical symptom of laryngeal cancer, especially vocal cord cancer. Supraglottic cancer and subglottic cancer can also produce hoarseness when they grow into the glottic area. Patients with advanced laryngeal cancer can only produce airflow sounds similar to whispering, or even lose voice. Cough, pain, throat discomfort, foreign body sensation, spitting with blood and other non-specific symptoms of laryngeal cancer can also occur. In the late stage of laryngeal cancer, people will choke when eating, especially when drinking water. It can also cause dyspnea, dysphagia, neck metastasis and lymph node enlargement.

Northern Girl 2024-05-20 11:21:43

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