Why does leukemia show bone and joint pain

Never give up Ask questions at 15:45:38 on May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Bone joint pain in leukemia is caused by proliferation and infiltration of leukemic cells. It often shows local tenderness in the lower sternum, and can also cause joint bone pain, which is common in children. When bone marrow necrosis occurs, it will cause severe bone pain. If the leukemia patient has bone and joint pain, which is severe, it needs to be treated symptomatically with pain relief drugs. Moreover, it needs to actively treat the leukemia disease itself to reduce the tumor load, otherwise it needs to continue to use pain relief drugs. After continuous application of pain relievers, patients will have drug resistance, and may also have abdominal distention, constipation, even intestinal obstruction and other complications.

Never give up 2024-06-03 12:14:20

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