Seven kinds of food "waste" nutrition is comparable to supplements. Men can eat more

Give you half a kiss Ask on 2024-06-22 04:08:15
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When cooking some ingredients, remove some of them. However, these discarded ingredients may have more nutritional value than the food itself. The following seven ingredients are often thrown away by ordinary people, but in the eyes of nutrition experts, they are good ingredients with nutrition. Before you throw away these ingredients, please know their true nutritional value.


It is often said that eating fish eyes can fill the eyes because the fat in the fish eye socket contains rich DHA, which can promote the sound development of the retina and prevent retinopathy and cataract.

Cooking method: DHA in fish eye ingredients is very easy to oxidize. After purchase, it should be cooked and eaten fresh; And when cooking, avoid cooking for too long to retain more DHA.


Bones, whether pig bones, beef bones, chicken and duck racks, are more nutritious than fresh meat. For example, pig bones PK fresh pork, and the protein of pig bones is 100% higher than that of fresh pork; The iron content is two and a half times that of fresh pork.

90% of the protein in fresh bones is collagen, bone collagen and chondroitin, which can strengthen brain cell metabolism and anti-aging. In addition, the proportion of calcium and phosphorus contained is the best proportion for human body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which is easier to be absorbed by human body than vegetable food.

Cooking method: stew bone soup. Boil it for 1~2 hours on low heat according to the ratio of 1 bone to 5 water, filter it, and add vegetables to make a delicious and nutritious bone soup.

Celery leaf

When people eat celery, they always remove the leaves first and only eat the celery stems. In fact, celery leaves have a special fragrance, rich in calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A and C, delicious and healthy, it's a pity to discard them!

Few people know that the nutrients in celery leaves are higher than those in celery stems. According to the nutritional analysis, the carotene content of celery leaves is 88 times that of stems, the vitamin C content is 13 times that of stems, the vitamin B1 content is 17 times that of stems, the protein content is 11 times that of stems, and the calcium content is more than 2 times that of stems. Therefore, eating celery leaves is very beneficial to prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia, etc.

Cooking methods: stir fry, celery scrambled eggs, flour coated deep fry, or boiled clear soup are all good.

Green onion leaf

According to the National Nutrition Survey of the Health Administration, Chinese people's consumption of green onions ranks 11th among vegetables. However, most people use more green parts than the leaves. It's a pity that the nutritious leaves are discarded instead!

In fact, the onion leaf part contains more vitamin A, C and calcium than the onion white part. And the mucus inside the onion leaf contains polysaccharide, which can inhibit abnormal cells in the body and help strengthen the immune function of the body. So when you buy vegetables, don't remove some of the onion leaves. Leave more nutritious onion leaves for cooking.

Cooking method: raw, scrambled egg with scallions, fried beef with scallions, or boiled soup with scallions.

Spinach root

Spinach was praised as "Red billed Green Parakeet" by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It was named after the red root and green leaves. The root of spinach is red because it is rich in iron. Many nutrients of spinach are in the root of spinach; Moreover, the root is delicate in texture and delicious in taste. So it's a pity to take off the spinach root! Boiling soup with spinach root has hypoglycemic effect.

Cooking method: spinach should be tender and small, and the spinach root should be preserved. Spinach can be stir fried, mixed, cooked, used as soup and ingredients, such as spinach scrambled eggs, ginger spinach, sesame spinach, etc. When cooking, it is best to boil spinach together with the root, remove the vegetable water, remove the astringency, and reduce the oxalic acid content.

Radish peel

People are used to peeling off radishes when eating them. In fact, the nutritional value of the radish peel exceeds the meat quality of the radish. It's a pity to lose it! According to nutritional analysis, the vitamin C content of radish peel is about twice that of the meat part; 98% of calcium is in radish.

Therefore, it is best to eat radish with skin, especially for those at high risk of hypertension, diabetes or cerebral hemorrhage. Eating radish skin can slow down the disease.

Cooking method: salt, vinegar, soy sauce, spices, etc

Give you half a kiss 2024-06-24 11:43:28

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