What is the symptom of mild rhinitis

The temperature of the moon Ask questions at 16:49:59, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The symptoms of mild rhinitis are mainly nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, dry pain in the nasal cavity and other symptoms. Of course, rhinitis can also be divided into many types. According to different types of rhinitis, the symptoms are focused. In general, in order to promote the recovery of rhinitis and prevent the gradual development of rhinitis symptoms, it is necessary to change bad habits, properly strengthen physical exercise, strengthen physique, which is conducive to promoting the recovery of rhinitis and avoiding the gradual aggravation of rhinitis symptoms. Generally, to improve bad living habits, we should mainly avoid smoking, smoking and drinking, and eating stimulating food. Because eating stimulating food, it is easy to stimulate congestion and edema of nasal mucosa, which leads to aggravation of rhinitis symptoms. If the symptoms of rhinitis gradually worsen and there is no sign of improvement, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a doctor's inspection. According to the type of rhinitis, scientific treatment methods should be adopted to promote the recovery of rhinitis, improve the symptoms of nasal congestion and promote nasal patency. Exercise in daily life, strengthen the physique, prevent colds, and prevent recurrent rhinitis.

The temperature of the moon 2024-06-03 12:42:26

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