What's wrong with angry breast pain

Flowers bloom on the other side Ask questions at 22:30:17, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Angry breast pain is mostly caused by hyperplasia of mammary glands. Women's mammary glands have a very close relationship with the liver meridian. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "anger hurts the liver". Due to poor feelings, the liver qi can not be properly drained, which leads to stagnation of qi and blood stasis, and the imbalance between Chong and Ren. So angry women are prone to breast hyperplasia. Breast hyperplasia has a great relationship with emotion. Western medicine believes that breast hyperplasia is caused by endocrine dysfunction, mainly due to the disorder of sexual hormone levels in the body. When women are always in a bad emotional state such as anger, worry, worry, and worry, they will inhibit the ovulation function of the ovary, reduce progesterone, make estrogen relatively high, and lead to breast hyperplasia. Breast hyperplasia focuses on prevention, and maintaining a comfortable and optimistic mood is the best defense weapon for breast hyperplasia. Keep a good mood, keep your mood stable, don't rise and fall, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. In addition, you can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat a light diet, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, get enough sleep, stay up late as little as possible, and also do some physical exercises properly.

Flowers bloom on the other side 2024-04-22 11:48:48

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