What can not be eaten for nephritis

Astringent ambition Ask questions on May 17, 2024-19:04:42
Recommended answer

Clinically, patients with nephritis need to take certain dietary control. In terms of diet, attention should be paid to avoid eating spicy, greasy or other stimulating foods, and try to avoid eating viscera and fat meat. In normal diet, people should take a low salt, low fat and high-quality protein diet. If the nephritis patient has obvious edema or hypertension recently, it is recommended that the daily salt intake of the patient should be less than three grams. At the same time, we should try to eat less food containing more saturated fatty acids, and we can eat more food rich in cellulose. In addition to diet control, we also need to use relevant drugs to control the disease under the guidance of regular hospital doctors. In the acute phase of the disease, we should pay attention to bed rest to avoid overwork, and after the disease is stable, we can take appropriate exercise. When the patient's condition is stable, it is recommended to take appropriate physical exercise to help strengthen the physique and facilitate the recovery of the disease. At the same time, patients should also pay attention to the regular application of drugs, regular monitoring of blood pressure levels, and regular outpatient follow-up.

Astringent ambition 2024-05-20 11:14:11

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