What kind of medicine do men take during menopause

Drunken Beauty Knee Ask questions at 15:46:28, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

During the male menopause, if the sweating symptoms are serious, you can take oryzanol and other drugs under the guidance of a doctor to regulate the autonomic nervous dysfunction. If the patient has obvious symptoms of panic, propranolol or metoprolol can be selected under the guidance of the doctor. If the patient has serious insomnia at night, the corresponding drugs can be selected under the guidance of the doctor to improve the symptomatic treatment of sleep. It is suggested that patients should pay attention to reasonable diet and properly strengthen outdoor aerobic exercise during menopause. You should keep a happy mood at ordinary times. You should not stay up late with tiredness. You must pay attention to reasonable rest at night. At ordinary times, patients can take outdoor exercise such as walking and jogging to distract their attention.

Drunken Beauty Knee 2024-06-03 12:14:23

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