What kind of tea is good for spring sleepiness

When I become excellent Ask on 2024-06-02 02:36:26
Recommended answer

Lavender lemon, tea lavender fragrance is loved by women. Since ancient times, it has the functions of nourishing, relieving stress and eliminating fatigue. Lemon has the functions of diuresis, promoting digestion and blood circulation, and relieving headache. It also gives off a faint fragrance that can invigorate people. However, pregnant women should not drink tea containing lemon.

Chrysanthemum ginseng tea, which contains saponins and various vitamins, has a good regulating effect on human nervous system, can improve human immunity, and effectively dispel fatigue. The fragrance of chrysanthemum has the effect of dispelling fire and improving eyesight. The combination of the two has a refreshing effect, but people with high blood pressure should not use ginseng, and ginseng should not be used with tea, coffee Take radish together.

Rose mint tea is prone to fluctuations in people's mood during the transition from spring to summer, while roses are often loved by women in the office, with the function of promoting blood circulation to remove silt and easing emotions. Peppermint can dispel fatigue and make people feel refreshed. In addition, the sweet and pure fragrance of roses can dilute the bitter taste of peppermint, killing two birds with one stone.

Rock sugar mint tea can stimulate the movement of food in the digestive tract and help digestion. It is especially suitable for people with gastrointestinal discomfort or after eating too greasy food. It can relieve the pressure of office workers and refresh their minds. In addition, because mint has a unique fragrance, rinsing or drinking mint tea can not only leave fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, fresh breath, but also eliminate gum swelling and pain.

When I become excellent 2024-06-07 10:11:28

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