What's the matter with swollen hands after waking up

Still love you Ask questions on 2024-05-19 00:27:11
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The common reasons for the swelling of the patient's hand after waking up are as follows: First, the patient's hand is continuously compressed during sleep, which causes poor local blood return, resulting in local swelling and numbness after waking up. The patient can properly move the hand joints, relax and massage. After 1-2 hours, the swelling symptoms of the hands of most patients can be relieved quickly. 2、 For patients with chronic renal insufficiency, if the patient drinks a lot of water before sleep, the water metabolism function of the patient's body will be weakened, causing a lot of water to accumulate at the end of the limbs, resulting in swelling of the hands. Patients need to actively improve renal function, strengthen diuresis, limit water intake, and reduce hand swelling symptoms.

Still love you 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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