What water should women drink during menstruation

Know the world and not the world The question was asked on 2024-06-02 01:20:32
Recommended answer

Menstruation is a normal physiological cycle for women. At this time, the resistance of the body is slightly lower than usual due to the falling off of endometrium, wound in the uterine cavity, and vaginal bleeding. So during the menstrual period, try to reduce your work intensity, ensure adequate sleep and rest time, improve your body's resistance, and avoid all kinds of infections. In terms of diet, light food is preferred. Do not eat too raw or cold food, or greasy or hot food. It is better to drink warm water or water. If you want to recuperate, you can make rose tea or boil some hawthorn cinnamon twig brown sugar soup, longan lotus seed soup, etc., which can be eaten in small quantities. But it also depends on the specific constitution of each person. If you are a woman who usually has a cold body, you can also use these drinks or brown sugar ginger water. But if it is normal, the body is relatively dry and hot. Generally speaking, it is recommended to drink warm water. If you want to recuperate your body, you should also avoid menstruation.

Know the world and not the world 2024-06-03 11:55:22

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