What are the specific drugs for frequent and urgent urination

The only faith Ask questions on May 29, 2024-18:35:16
Recommended answer

There is generally no specific drug for frequent and urgent urination. It is suggested that patients can mainly take some Sanjin tablets or levofloxacin orally for relief treatment. When frequent urination and urgent urination occur in clinical practice, it is generally necessary to choose appropriate treatment drugs according to different diseases of patients. For example, when urinary system symptoms caused by infection occur, it is generally necessary to take some antibiotics orally, such as levofloxacin. If male prostatic hyperplasia causes frequent urination and urgent urination, you can take some Qianliekang orally. If the frequency and urgency of urination caused by stone hyperplasia, you can choose to take some Niaoshitong granules orally. It is suggested that patients should follow the doctor's advice before taking medicine.

The only faith 2024-06-03 12:17:17

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