How to treat cholestasis of gallbladder

Cloud Sailing Sea Ask questions on April 23, 2024:19:47
Recommended answer

How to deal with cholestasis in gallbladder depends on specific reasons. If the cholestasis in the gallbladder is caused by not eating breakfast for a long time or delaying the meal time, you should pay attention to adjusting the diet to promote the timely discharge of bile. If cholestasis in gallbladder is caused by temporary fasting due to gastrointestinal surgery, it can be gradually improved and alleviated after resuming diet. If cholestasis in the gallbladder is caused by gallbladder atrophy, gallstones, or gallbladder polyps, and other diseases, it is likely to require surgery. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the first choice to remove the affected gallbladder. If cholestasis in the gallbladder is caused by bile duct diseases, such as choledocholithiasis or cholangiocarcinoma, surgical treatment should also be actively considered, such as choledocholithotomy or radical resection of cholangiocarcinoma. If the advanced malignant tumor cannot be treated surgically, the stent can be placed through endoscope to improve the situation of cholestasis in the gallbladder.

Cloud Sailing Sea 2024-04-28 18:12:27

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