What's the matter with itchy face

Love yourself Ask questions on 2024-05-30 00:25:14
Recommended answer

The most likely cause of itching on the face is allergy. When you are allergic, you should first check the allergen to see if it is caused by something you often contact in life or recently changed. Secondly, external treatment and systematic treatment are also very important. For general facial allergies, all skin care products and cosmetics should be stopped. You can use 3% boric acid solution to wet compress to eliminate swelling, and then use topical skin care products such as Lankefuning and Lanrun; You can take anti allergy drugs orally every night before going to bed, such as cetirizine hydrochloride, once a night for 1 week. During allergy treatment, people should avoid eating spicy, irritant and seafood. They should work and rest regularly. After facial recovery, they should stick to using cosmetics and skin care products. Remember not to stop using them randomly to prevent recurrence.

Love yourself 2024-06-03 12:42:52

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