What's the matter with the itchy wound

Fish going upstream Ask questions at 14:39:30, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

If the wound is very itchy after the operation, it means that it is healing, the proliferation of fibrous tissue, and the formation of granulation tissue will stimulate the peripheral nerves at the wound to a certain extent, which will cause itching. If the scar is not red, swollen, and does not exude, it is a normal phenomenon, so don't worry too much. Do not scratch with your hands or wear clothes in order to prevent the wound from being infected again. The itching of the wound has not been alleviated, and it is quite uncomfortable. You can go to the dermatology department of the hospital and ask the doctor to prescribe some antipruritic ointment for application. Patients should try not to eat spicy food and seafood in their daily diet. They can eat more fruits and vegetables and should pay more attention to observation.

Fish going upstream 2024-05-27 10:52:14

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