Kusa's personality stripes are fashionable, foreign and not picky

Women are like flowers and dreams Ask questions on 2024-06-12 20:52:05
Recommended answer

This hair color is to divide the hair into a small part, and then use different color hair dyes alternately to make the hair show a spot effect.

This hair dyeing technology can also customize your own unique speckle dyeing according to different people's hair styles and skin colors.

If you want to try zebra dyeing, but have not determined the specific hair color choice, you can choose to refer to this one.

Hair dyeing still has certain risks. You must first do a good job of scalp care and pay attention to the selection of hair dyes to ensure beautiful hair dyeing.

The princess cuts the stripes and dyes the beautiful and fashionable hair color, which can be matched without collision.

Do you like this color? Have you considered to dye a zebra dye? Come and dye the same style.

Women are like flowers and dreams 2024-06-13 09:52:31

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