What's wrong with sore throat when swallowing

Lingding Shengfeng Ask questions at 17:10:45 on April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

If your throat hurts when swallowing, you should go to the ENT department as soon as possible to have an indirect laryngoscopy or laryngoscopy to rule out acute epiglottitis. Because the onset of acute epiglottitis is relatively urgent, there is often a history of upper respiratory tract infection or throat trauma (such as fish bones) and allergic diseases. The disease is relatively acute and develops rapidly. The epiglottis can become spherical in a very short time, blocking the airway, causing inspiratory dyspnea and endangering life. Therefore, once the patient has a sore throat when swallowing, he should go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible so as not to delay his condition.

Lingding Shengfeng 2024-04-22 11:41:48

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