How to treat diabetes

Cloud to cloud Ask questions at 07:43:36, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The treatment of diabetes mainly follows the principle of five carriages, including: 1. diabetes health education. It is necessary for patients to build confidence, improve their compliance, and understand the common symptoms and signs of diabetes, the harm of elevated blood sugar, complications, etc; 2、 Diet. Diet control is the basis of diabetes treatment. It is necessary to control the amount of diet to ensure the stability of blood sugar; 3、 Exercise. Increase the sensitivity of peripheral tissue to insulin through appropriate exercise, thus reducing blood sugar; 4、 Drugs. Diabetic patients can be treated with oral medication. If necessary, insulin and other injectable hypoglycemic drugs can be injected subcutaneously, and the corresponding treatment scheme can be selected according to the blood sugar characteristics of different patients; 5、 Regularly monitor blood glucose, and adjust the dosage of insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs according to the results of blood glucose monitoring.

Cloud to cloud 2024-04-28 18:12:23

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