What does cirrhosis mean

Middle aged grey hair Ask on 2024-05-25 03:00:03
Recommended answer

Cirrhosis is simply understood as cirrhosis of the liver, so it is called cirrhosis. The liver is originally soft. Because of long-term inflammation, long-term inflammation of liver cells, and proliferation of liver fibrous tissue, the liver slowly hardens. There are some common factors, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis, chronic immune liver disease, long-term drinking or long-term fatty liver. Various reasons lead to long-term chronic inflammation of the liver, which leads to the final cirrhosis of the liver. For patients with liver cirrhosis, they must not smoke or drink, because smoking and drinking will lead to the aggravation of liver cirrhosis. Patients must eat light food and actively cooperate with doctors in diagnosis and treatment.

Middle aged grey hair 2024-05-27 11:08:37

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