How to solve the problem of the five elements between husband and wife

Smile to the world Ask questions on 2024-06-02 01:49:55
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The mutual restriction of the five elements in the eight characters is a research direction in the eight character numerology, because the mutual restriction of the eight characters and five elements has a great impact on our life and work. So how to break the five elements of mutual restriction between husband and wife? Next, let's take a look at the solutions to the five elements of mutual restriction between husband and wife.

1、 Review the couple's room to see if there are any taboos about feng shui
For example, mirror to bed can easily lead to haggling and neuroticism between husband and wife; Irregular rooms, irregular shapes and many corners, easily lead to the husband and wife not being honest with each other, and many strange things happen; The orientation of the head of the bed does not meet the requirements of life. It is easy to have troubles, dreams and false alarms, which is reflected in the lack of patience in marriage; Too small or too many rooms are not good for couples. Too small rooms tend to narrow their hearts, and too large rooms tend to weaken their feelings; There is a crossbeam on the bed, which is easy to lead to the depressing and depressing life of the couple; The light in the husband and wife's room is too dark, which easily leads to the complicated and confusing relationship between husband and wife and mutual suspicion; The wires outside the window of the husband and wife's room are messy, which can easily lead to the subtle relationship between husband and wife, and make them think wildly; The door of the husband and wife's room faces the bathroom, which may lead to abnormal diseases, resulting in bad relationship between the husband and wife, emotional incompatibility, and so on. In these circumstances, we should try to change them.
Sometimes, living in one room feels that the marriage is not going well. It might be better to change rooms.

2、 Review the eight characters of the couple's birthdays to see if there is any conflict or restriction
The first is to see whether the marital palace of husband and wife conflicts with each other and punish each other. For example, the male's eight character Li Rizhi is Hai, and the female's eight character Li Rizhi is already, which is called marriage palace conflict; A man's eight character Li Rizhi is Xu, and a woman's eight character Li Rizhi is ugly. This is called marital palace punishment. The conflict between marriage palaces and punishment generally means that there is no external reason. It is the irrational relationship between husband and wife, the inability to correctly handle the feelings of husband and wife, and even the tension between husband and wife caused by family chores. This problem is easy to solve. As long as both husband and wife are aware of this problem, they can effectively improve the relationship between husband and wife through self avoidance. If the marriage palaces of both husband and wife are ordered to be punished by other local branches in the bureau, such as the moon, time and place, this will lead to discord between husband and wife due to other external factors, and even lead to divorce. This situation can be solved by resolving the Five Element Zodiac. However, people who do not understand the five elements of life do not know how to do it. They need to ask geomantic experts for guidance.

Second, both husband and wife should understand the marital problems faced in the year to attract attention, not to do things that ignite conflicts, not to say words that increase conflicts. The tension caused by this situation is mostly a time war, and generally it will be OK after the year or stage.

If fate factors cause conflict and conflict between husband and wife, they are generally resolved as follows:
1. Go to a place suitable for the five elements of your fortune telling diagram. This is called location geomancy solution. For example, the five elements of the fortune telling diagram belong to wood, and develop in the east; The five elements of the divination belong to fire and develop in the south; The five elements of the divinatory symbols belong to the soil, and develop in the southwest or central regions; The five elements of the divination belong to gold and develop in the west; The five elements of the divination belong to water, and develop in the north.

2. Living in an environment suitable for the five elements of your life diagram is called Home Feng Shui Solution.

3. The Fengshui Array of the Fortune Teller is called the Fengshui Array item resolving method.

4. By combining the eight characters of both sides, the combination of the eight characters of both men and women is called the popularity feng shui solution.

5. Keep a good attitude, and use your own ideas to resolve the mutual resistance between husband and wife, which is called psychological feng shui solution.

6. By wearing accessories, we can enhance or resolve the energy of mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing, so as to avoid conflicts.

3、 Choose a good marriage date to avoid unnecessary damage to the relationship between husband and wife
1. Date of registration and wedding ceremony If you decide to separate the date of registration (the date of applying for the marriage certificate at the marriage registration office) from the date of the wedding ceremony, it is better to choose a date for both. If you have to make a choice, it should be based on the traditional day of wedding reception and banquet, and it should be held on a lucky day. Because Chinese tradition always regards this day as the real wedding day.
In addition, many people put the wedding date and holidays together, which is also a good way, it can be said that it is even more joyful.
In short, the relationship between husband and wife can be effectively improved through the change of Feng Shui environment and the resolution of the eight characters and five elements. Kefuke wife is not terrible, as long as the solution is appropriate, as long as both husband and wife pay attention, the love between husband and wife is still harmonious!

2. It is better not to choose the wedding day in March, July and September of the lunar calendar instead of March, July and September of the lunar calendar, because these three months meet Qingming Festival, Yulan Festival and Chonggong Festival respectively, which are traditional "Ghost Festival" and are not suitable for weddings.

3. It is said that Yuelao does not lead Sanniang to marry because she avoids Sanniang's death day and Yanggong's death day. Based on revenge, Sanniang opposes Yuelao and sabotages the wedding of the new couple. Therefore, every month Sanniang's death day, namely, the third day, the seventh day, the thirteenth day, the eighteenth day, the twenty second day and the twenty seventh day, is not suitable for marriage.
In daily life, people have the custom of taboo, that is, to say lucky words, not to say unlucky words, and also the saying "good is not good, but ugly is". In the taboo custom, the number "13" is especially taboo. Every marriage does not need the date of the 13th lunar calendar. It is said that a long time ago, there was a man named Yang Gong who had 13 sons. Everyone said that he had a good life, and Yang Gong was also proud of this. He often said to people, "I have 13 sons, and I am not afraid of the three disasters, even if one dies in a month, one son will die for me in 12 months a year." It was a coincidence that one year there was a plague, It happened that there was a leap month that year, and Yang Gong's sons died of an epidemic disease. By the end of December, all of Yang Gong's 13 sons had died, leaving him alone. The evening scene was very bleak. People say that Yang Gong's misfortune is all due to his own ugly words. Since then, people have avoided saying ugly things. When they say something, they have to spit and say another good thing. At the same time, the number of "13" is also considered an ominous number.

4. One of the principles of choosing a date based on the woman is to take the bride's birth date as the main date, and refer to the birth date of the man and others. As the saying goes, "When a son is born, a woman will marry in the right year." This shows the importance of a woman's choice of day. If this principle is reversed or disregarded, it will lead to marital problems, which should not be underestimated.

5. Must avoid parents' birthdays In traditional numerology, parents' birthdays should not be the same as the wedding day, that is, the day of parents' birthdays should not be married. Otherwise, it is quite unfavorable to the couple.

6. It is better to choose Runyue Year. Chinese people pay attention to the choice of wedding date, but do not pay attention to "Runyue Year". Choose a wedding day, preferably in a year with a running moon, because it will have a good omen. Of course, if there is no "Runyue Nian", there is no need to force.

Conclusion: In fact, in real life, the friction between husband and wife is very normal. After all, two people have lived together for a long time, and naturally have some bad moods. But as long as two people can have more patience, they can turn big things into small things.

Smile to the world 2024-06-07 10:02:47

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