Why does tonsil inflammation cause rheumatoid arthritis?

A gentle breeze is blowing Ask questions at 17:43:33, May 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Repeated inflammation of tonsils is very easy to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis! Because the tonsil is an immune tissue, it will participate in immune allergy when there is inflammatory infiltration! It is easy to cause myocarditis, nephritis and arthritis in patients. Therefore, tonsillar inflammation must be treated with symptomatic anti-inflammatory drugs. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs, such as cefixime and amoxicillin, should be cured as soon as possible. If the tonsil is inflamed more than six times a year, it means that the tonsil is a focus, and it has no reservation value. It needs tonsillectomy, and it can be recovered about one week after the operation.

A gentle breeze is blowing 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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