16 pictures of lotus

Flowers bloom on the street Ask questions on 2024-06-03 01:29:15
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Lianpeng is also called Lianpeng; Lotus root; Shuizhidan; Lotus seed; Lotus seed; Pengrou. It is the lotus that grows after withering. Keep the fruit in the middle of the puff, and sprinkle it into the pond in the next spring to grow lotus leaves or flowers. Lianpeng's lotus room tea can prevent diabetes. The dried lotus seeds can be boiled and drunk with rock sugar. It tastes bitter and astringent. It can be used to dispel blood stasis and cure postpartum placenta. Lotus seeds and lotus stamens are good traditional Chinese medicines.

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Pictures of lotus seedpod

Flowers bloom on the street 2024-06-07 10:04:31

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