What are the benefits of eating loofah

Moonlight brook Ask questions at 11:48:35, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The benefits of eating loofah properly are as follows: 1. It can clear heat and cool blood. From the perspective of Chinese medicine food therapy, loofah is cold in nature and sweet in taste. For those who cough, cough up phlegm and cough up blood due to phlegm heat, and those who are upset, sleepless and dreamy due to blood heat, proper consumption of loofah can clear heat and cool blood; 2. To dispel wind and detoxify. For those who suffer from dampness and arthralgia caused by wind and cold, poor limb movement, expectoration and hemoptysis, proper consumption of loofah can dispel weathered phlegm and detoxify; 3. Supplying rich vitamin C to the body can improve the immunity of the body.

Moonlight brook 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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