What is muscle spasm

Heart like a rock Ask questions at 17:30:10 on May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

The so-called muscle spasm mainly refers to the spontaneous rigidity contraction of the muscle, also known as cramp. During the attack, the muscle spasm part will be painful and unbearable, and the symptoms can last for several seconds or even tens of seconds. Generally, muscle spasm is caused by muscle strain, injury, cold or calcium deficiency. Therefore, after muscle spasm occurs, the patient must see a doctor to see what causes the muscle spasm, and promote the recovery of muscle spasm through etiological treatment. When muscle spasm has obvious pain, physical therapy such as local hot compress can be used, and muscle relaxants can be used when necessary to alleviate the symptoms of muscle spasm pain.

Heart like a rock 2024-05-27 11:09:12

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