What are the effects of sertraline hydrochloride tablets

Home and everything Ask on 2024-06-01 21:23:22
Recommended answer

Sertraline hydrochloride is a 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitor, which is a new type of antidepressant. It is mainly used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. The inhibitory effect on cytochrome P450 enzyme is relatively weak, so the effect on drug interaction is relatively small and the safety is high. Sertraline is generally the first choice for elderly patients with depression. Sertraline is also safe in children's antidepressant. In clinical application, the dose range is about 50-200 mg. The specific medication should be formulated by the specialist according to the patient's condition, rather than unauthorized medication. The common side effects are dry mouth, nausea in some patients, vomiting in few patients, sweating in some patients, and insomnia in some patients when taking at night. Therefore, the use of sertraline cannot be taken without authorization. It must be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

Home and everything 2024-06-03 12:42:55

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