How to Treat Skin Tinea

The Sound of Nature Ask questions at 22:17:48, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

How is dermatophyte on the body treated? The superficial fungal infection that occurs on the body is called tinea corporis. It is called tinea capitis if it occurs in the hair, tinea manus if it occurs in the hands, tinea pedis if it occurs in the feet, tinea unguis if it occurs in the nails, and tinea cruris if it occurs in the hips and groins. All ringworm is a skin disease caused by fungal infection of the cuticle of the skin and hair. The manifestations of tinea corporis that occur on the body usually include round or ring-shaped scaly erythema on the local skin with clear boundaries, central regression of the skin lesion, aggravated edges, and gradually expanding around. It is more serious in summer and lighter in winter, usually accompanied by itching. So how to deal with tinea corporis? First, clothes should be ventilated. Second, take a bath with Shanghai Medicinal Soap, which can inhibit the reproduction of fungi and reduce the recurrence of diseases. Third, if the area is relatively small, antifungal drugs such as miconazole nitrate can be directly applied externally. Fourth, if the area is relatively wide, oral antifungal drugs can be considered.

The Sound of Nature 2024-04-22 12:20:48

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