Will glutinous rice balls get fat after eating

bon voyage Ask questions at 19:45:44, June 13, 2024
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Tangyuan is made of glutinous rice flour, and its taste is generally more sweet. Will it become fat if you eat more Tangyuan? How many dumplings are suitable to eat at a time?

Will Tangyuan become fat after eating

Eating a moderate amount of dumplings will not gain weight, but eating too much is easy to gain weight.

1. Tangyuan contains a lot of sugar, fat and high calorie. The big dumpling with sesame and peanut stuffing and the big dumpling with fresh meat stuffing are both high in heat, about twice as high as the small dumpling. Eating glutinous rice balls in moderation will not make you fat, but if you eat too much at one time or take glutinous rice balls as the staple food for a long time, you will easily become fat, and if you do not exercise regularly and consume calories, you will also become fat.

2. Tangyuan with sweet fillings, such as sesame seeds and walnut kernels, also has high heat. The best way to eat dumplings is to choose small ones without filling. Eating a small amount of dumplings is not easy to gain weight. If you want to eat glutinous rice balls without getting fat, you should not eat more than 2 stuffed glutinous rice balls, and you should not eat more than 5 small glutinous rice balls.

There are sugar free tangyuan on the market, which does not contain sucrose, but the skin of tangyuan will be absorbed by the human body and converted into glucose, so dieters and diabetics should not eat more. If you are worried about getting fat, you can eat three or five dumplings at a time, and don't regard it as a staple food of the day.

How about some dumplings

Eating more dumplings will cause obesity. Usually, the heat of every 100 grams of tangyuan is up to 300 calories, which requires a lot of exercise to be consumed. Secondly, the sugar content of most glutinous rice balls is relatively high, including black sesame stuffing, hawthorn stuffing, etc., which will increase blood sugar, especially for people with high blood sugar, or exacerbate the disease.

What is the nutritional value of tangyuan

Tangyuan is mainly filled with fruit materials and dried fruits, including sesame, walnut, peanut, hawthorn, etc., which is nutritious. The vitamin E in black sesame is very rich, which can delay aging, moisturize the five zang organs, strengthen muscles and bones, replenish qi, strengthen the body, prolong life, nourish the liver and kidney, nourish the spleen and lungs, and have dietotherapy effect on hair loss and white hair. Hawthorn is sour and sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, and has the functions of appetizing and digestion, resolving stagnation and accumulation, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, resolving phlegm and promoting qi. Walnut is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of strengthening stomach, tonifying blood, moistening lung and nourishing mind.

Do you have meat for dumplings

There are meat fillings, but very few. Tangyuan was first made of black sesame, walnut, nut, bean paste and jujube paste. Now people are more and more picky about their tastes. In order to meet the market demand, Yuanxiao and Tangyuaner have also broken the tradition and entered the fruit taste. In the past two years, there have also been western flavors such as coffee and matcha, which are a bit messy and increasingly attractive.

bon voyage 2024-06-17 10:31:11

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