The method and skill of frying fish without sticking to the pan

The Sound of Nature Ask questions on 2024-06-15 07:52:29
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Sometimes it is very easy to stick to the pan when frying fish pieces. Is there any way to alleviate this phenomenon? How do you want to fry fish pieces before they don't stick to the pan? It is better to fry the fish in the pan when the oil is almost warm?

Methods and skills of non stick frying pan

If possible, choose a suitable pot before frying fish, and a good pot can better avoid sticking to the pot. If the amount of fried fish is small, it is better to choose non stick pan to fry fish; If you fry a lot of fish, choose a big new iron pot; If the above conditions are not met, try to fry the fish in a pot that has not been burnt; If you have to use a pot with a history of paste pot, try to remove the paste mark.

Before frying fish, no matter what the situation, it is better to thoroughly clean the pan, and wash away all kinds of substances that may be burnt on the wall of the pan. Don't be lazy to prevent these substances from being burnt in the oil pan. These burnt traces are easy to stick to the fish.

Sometimes fried fish is just one of the many dishes that need to be cooked. Therefore, different people may have different arrangements for the cooking order of various dishes, and different arrangements may lead to different sticking situations. In order to prevent glue from sticking to the pan after other dishes are cooked, if it is not cleaned or even not cleaned, it is likely that fish will stick to the pan later. Therefore, it is recommended to fry fish first before cooking other dishes.

Put more oil in the pan so that the fish can soak in the pan. This makes it easy to turn, and the fish has less contact with the bottom of the pan, which helps reduce the sticking of the pan.

The fried fish is eaten directly and is not used for cooking other dishes (such as fish head tofu soup). You can wrap a layer of batter or starch paste on the fish before frying, so that the fish can be quickly shaped during frying and it is not easy to stick to the pan.

Ginger helps prevent fried fish from sticking to the pan. Before cooking, rub the bottom of the pan with ginger juice or fresh ginger pieces for one or more times. After rubbing, the ginger pieces can be thrown away, or they can be fried with fish in the oil pan, and then they can be fried in the oil pan. If you are too lazy to wipe the wall of the pan, you can add ginger directly in the oil pan. This is less effective. Note: after ginger treatment, do not fry fish after brushing the pan, otherwise the anti sticking pan effect will not be achieved. Therefore, if you do not like the taste of ginger, do not use a lot of ginger.

You can also use the traditional oil and gas method to avoid sticking to the pan. Before frying fish, add a small amount of oil and heat it in the pan, then use a spatula to pour the oil over the pan wall, and finally add enough oil to fry the fish.

The fried fish is best cooked when the oil is almost hot

In the process of frying, it is ideal to keep the oil temperature between 170 and 180 degrees to fry fish. At present, the fish frying technology adopted by canned food factories in China is generally to heat the oil temperature to 180~200 degrees, and then put the fish cubes with about 10% oil into the frying process.

Do you want a big fire or a small fire to fry fish

When frying fish or frying fish, it is necessary to use hot oil at high fire first, and then fry it at low fire. This is mainly for the purpose of shaping. When burning, it is also necessary to use high fire first and then low fire.

Is fried fish nutritious

There must be some nutrition in clinic. Fish is rich in protein, vitamins, especially deep-sea fish, and some unsaturated fatty acids. But generally frying is not a healthy way, because too much fat is not good for human body in clinic.

The Sound of Nature 2024-06-17 10:30:55

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