How long do you take Azovudine tablets before meals

Heroes have dreams Ask on 2024-06-15 02:52:07
Recommended answer

Azovudine tablet is a special medicine in life, which can play a very good medicinal effect and has a very good therapeutic effect on the new crown. There is also a certain emphasis on taking Azovudine tablets. Azovudine tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably an hour before meals. It is not recommended to take Azovudine tablets half an hour before meals.

How long do you take Azovudine tablets before meals

One hour before meals.

There is no absolute standard for clinical fasting. In a broad sense, fasting refers to one hour before meals or two hours after meals, while in a strict sense, it refers to the state that there is no food or water for at least eight hours, and the stomach and intestines have been completely emptied.

Because the conditions in daily life are relatively limited, for ordinary patients, they only need to take Azovudine one hour before meals. If they have eaten, they need to take medicine two hours after meals.

Can I take Azovudine tablets half an hour before meals

Not recommended. It needs to be eaten on an empty stomach.

In a broad sense, an empty stomach means one hour before or two hours after a meal, while in a strict sense, an empty stomach means that at least six hours of empty stomach are needed, and the medicine should be taken in the morning when the stomach is empty.

Because the daily living conditions are limited, it is generally only necessary to take medicine one hour after taking the medicine, but if you take a meal, you need to take the medicine two hours later. It is recommended to take the medicine in strict accordance with the instructions, so that it can play the most effective role.

Why should Azovudine be eaten on an empty stomach

The drug instructions of Azovudine tablets only stated that they should be taken on an empty stomach, and there was no specific time limit. Therefore, when taking medicine, patients do not have to take it on an empty stomach before going to bed. They can also choose to take it on an empty stomach in the morning. However, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the drug, patients can consult the doctor's advice before taking the drug. It is not advisable to take the drug blindly.

The main reason for taking medicine on an empty stomach is that the medicine is absorbed mainly in the small intestine. When the patient is on an empty stomach, the medicine has more chances to contact the small intestine mucosa. At this time, the human body will absorb more medicine ingredients, and the medicine effect will be better.

On the contrary, if the patient chooses to take the medicine together after or during meals, the medicine will be easily mixed with the food, which will affect the absorption of drug ingredients, and the effect of the medicine will be reduced to a certain extent. Therefore, it is suggested that patients should consult professional doctors before taking medicine. The time of taking medicine is different for different drugs, and patients should take medicine under the guidance of doctors.

Heroes have dreams 2024-06-17 10:30:58

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