Which is more nutritious, white radish or green radish

Long Street Old Friends Ask questions at 14:55:57, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many kinds of turnips, which can be divided into white turnips and green turnips according to their colors. They can be eaten in many ways and taste good. Many people like them. The nutritional value of white radish and green radish is similar, but the weight loss effect of green radish is better than that of white radish.

Which is more nutritious, white radish or green radish

Green radish and white radish are different in color and have high nutritional value, so there is no way to distinguish which one has high nutritional value.

Green radish contains a variety of vitamins, carotene, cellulose, etc. After eating, it can provide the energy required by the body, and also enhance the body's immunity. White radish is rich in vitamin C, carbohydrates, iron, inorganic salts, etc., which can supplement the nutrients lacking in the body and improve their own resistance. Moreover, radish and white radish are rich in plant fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation after eating.

If not allowed by patients with gastrointestinal diseases, green radish and white radish are cold food. Eating them may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, and aggravate gastrointestinal diseases.

We must develop good eating habits at ordinary times. We can't eat cold food, such as winter melon, balsam pear and houttuynia cordata.

Which is better to lose weight, white radish or green radish

White radish and green radish can lose weight, but green radish has better effect.

Nutritional composition of white radish (per 100g): 0.9g protein, 0.1g fat, 5g carbohydrate, 1g crude fiber, etc. The white radish is sweet and spicy, and can be eaten in proper amount. It has the effects of supplementing qi and digestion, resolving phlegm and moistening the lung, relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

Green radish protein 1.3g, carbohydrate 6.8g, fat 0.2g, dietary fiber 0.8g, etc. Green radish has the effect of moistening intestines, relieving constipation, moistening lungs, relieving cough and promoting digestion. Green radishes contain less heat and more fiber. Eating green radish is more likely to produce a sense of satiety, which helps to lose weight.

Eating some green turnips in life can effectively improve human immunity, but eating turnips alone is impossible to lose weight. We must arrange our food reasonably.

Eating radish to lose weight should also increase exercise and promote metabolism. It is best to achieve scientific weight loss through healthy diet under the guidance of professional nutritionists.

Precautions for eating radish

1. Not suitable for eating with carrots

If you want to better play the role of white radish in digestion and anti-cancer, you'd better eat it raw. On the contrary, carrots are the most scientific way to eat carrots. Through many experiments, researchers have shown that there are two ways to eat carrots: first, cut carrots into pieces and stew them with meat; Second, cut carrots into pieces and fry them with enough edible oil before eating. The cooking method of cooking cold dishes or stewing two kinds of radishes together will reduce the nutritional value of one kind of radish.

2. It is not suitable to eat with persimmons, pears, apples and grapes

After eating a lot of fruits containing plant pigments, an acid substance will be broken down in the intestine. After eating radish, the human body will have the effect of thiocyanate to inhibit the thyroid, thus inducing or leading to goiter. Persimmons, pears, apples, grapes and other fruits contain a lot of plant pigments. After eating carrots, don't eat these fruits for a short time.

3. Do not eat with traditional Chinese medicine

Do not eat radish when taking Chinese medicine. In addition, when taking traditional Chinese medicine pills or Chinese patent medicines, you must also avoid eating radishes, otherwise the curative effect will be affected.

4. Better not peel

White radish is rich in potassium and calcium, especially radish skin, so it is best not to peel white radish. The top 3-5 cm of white radish has the highest vitamin C content, which can be cut into silk and cooked quickly. From the middle to the end, white radishes are rich in amylase and mustard oil. It can be used as a cold dish, which is more conducive to the retention of nutrients. It is also the best choice for diabetics, rather than eating fruit.

5. People with weak spleen and stomach should eat less

Because radish has the function of reducing qi and eliminating stagnation, it is better not to eat white radish frequently for the elderly with weak spleen and stomach (manifested by poor appetite, loose stool) and no stagnation of qi. Avoid aggravating spleen and stomach weakness.

Long Street Old Friends 2024-06-17 10:30:51

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