Is leucorrhea drawing normal?

If the water comes out of dust Ask questions on 2024-06-17 16:56:52
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Is leucorrhea drawing normal?

Is leucorrhea drawing normal?

Generally speaking, the occurrence of leucorrhea in women means that women are in the ovulation period or about to enter the ovulation period. The leucorrhea usually appears to be relatively thick, can be pulled for a long time, and is not easy to break. It is clear and transparent, somewhat similar to the state of egg white. When the leucorrhea is most and the lightest hail has the strongest wire drawing ability, it is often the ovulation period.

What symptoms does the body have when the wire drawing generally occurs? Sometimes when I go to the toilet, I will find a long one hanging below; Sometimes the gel state also appears on the underwear; Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I find the bottom is wet and slippery. If the above situation occurs, it is an obvious wire drawing phenomenon.

The relationship between leucorrhea wiredrawing and ovulation is often the strongest time of leucorrhea wiredrawing is the ovulation period, so in Africa, women will prohibit sexual intercourse during this period to achieve the effect of contraception. However, this contraceptive method may not be completely safe, so ovulation can also be detected by the following methods.

Basic body temperature method.

Temperature test is carried out when getting up every morning. Under normal circumstances, the body temperature will be lower in the first half of the menstrual cycle. When the ovulation period is reached, the body temperature of women will be even lower, and will gradually rise after ovulation. You can determine whether you are in the ovulation period according to this situation.

Cervical mucus method.

It was used to check the cervical mucus in the hospital to determine whether it was in the ovulation period.

Detection method of ovulation test paper.

The best time to use this method is the third day after the menstrual cycle is cleaned. It is better not to use morning urine until the two bars show abnormal color or the second bar is slightly darker than the first, which means you will ovulate within 24 hours.

If the water comes out of dust 2024-06-20 11:12:56

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