Can you complain to the merchant if Pinduoduo doesn't deliver the goods all the time

Still Night Spring Water Ask on 22:14:47, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

If Pinduoduo has not delivered the goods for a long time, you can first communicate with the merchant to ask what the reason is. If it is the cause of the epidemic, you can indeed not deliver the goods for a long time. You can buy from another store, but not necessarily the merchant. If you want to complain about the merchant, the merchant may let you return the goods directly.

Can you complain to the merchant if Pinduoduo doesn't deliver the goods all the time


The customer service will tell you to apply for a refund for your benefit. If you don't agree, I will help you to apply for the commissioner. The commissioner will call you to apply for a refund, and will generally compensate you 5 yuan.

Can Pinduoduo claim compensation for not delivering goods all the time

Pinduoduo merchants can claim compensation if they do not deliver goods. An order with delayed delivery will be punished with a 3 yuan non threshold cash coupon; The seller shall pay 10% of the actual transaction amount to the buyer as compensation for the overdue products. Except for some special products, the amount of compensation is between 5-100 yuan. If the gifts promised in the seller's order are not delivered in time, the seller shall also pay compensation; If the gift has its own link, the compensation amount will be based on the amount in the gift link. If not, the platform will evaluate the compensation according to the market price.

What punishment will be imposed on the merchant if Pinduoduo fails to deliver goods all the time

The seller shall pay 10% of the actual transaction amount to the buyer as compensation for the overdue products. Except for some special products, the amount of compensation is between 5-100 yuan.

If the gifts promised in the seller's order have not been delivered in time, compensation will also be made according to the above article. If the gifts have their own links, the compensation amount will be based on the amount in the gift links. If not, the platform will evaluate the compensation according to the market price.

After the buyer's complaint is established, in addition to the liquidated damages paid, the platform should also pay the same amount of liquidated damages. Generally, it is recommended that the merchants take the initiative to pay compensation, so that they do not have to double the compensation, and also avoid being deducted by the platform.

Still Night Spring Water 2024-06-17 10:30:26

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