Azovudine tablets before or after meals

The best taste in the world is Qinghuan Ask questions on 2024-06-13 14:43:29
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Azovudine tablet is a popular drug, which can play a very good role in the treatment of new crown. Azovudine tablets should be taken carefully, usually on an empty stomach, so it is not recommended to take them after meals. It is better to take them before meals.

Take Azovudine tablets before or after meals

Just make sure you have an empty stomach.

According to the research data, food will promote the gastrointestinal absorption of Azovudine and increase the exposure level in the body. Therefore, if you take medicine after eating, the absorption speed and total absorption will increase significantly, and the fluctuation range of drug concentration will also be large, which is not conducive to the treatment of diseases, but also increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Therefore, in order to maximize the efficacy and reduce the side effects on the human body, Azovudine usually needs to be swallowed whole on an empty stomach and is not recommended to be crushed. For patients with nasal feeding, it can be crushed and administered through the nasal feeding tube.

Can I eat Azovudine tablets after dinner

Can't eat.

According to the research data, food will accelerate the absorption rate of Azovudine and increase the total absorption of Azovudine, thus causing a large fluctuation of drug concentration.

So if you take Azovudine tablets after eating, it will not only affect the therapeutic effect of the drug, but also increase the risk of adverse reactions of the drug, which will increase the negative effects on human liver and kidney organs. It is not edible. Generally, you need to take Azovudine tablets two hours after eating, or eat one hour after eating Azovudine tablets.

Side effects of Azovudine tablets

Azovudine tablets can cause headache or memory impairment in the human body. Some patients said that after taking Azovudine tablets, they will have abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and even nausea and vomiting. This is because the human body has symptoms of elevated alanine aminotransferase, and some patients will have proteinuria and nocturia, However, it varies from person to person, so you don't need to worry too much. If you feel uncomfortable during taking, please stop taking it immediately.

The best taste in the world is Qinghuan 2024-06-17 10:30:58

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