Four kinds of people can't eat coenzyme q10, do you know

Experience life Ask questions on 2024-06-13 03:52:31
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Coenzyme q10 is a common health care product, which can improve heart repair. When people are healthy, will they feel short of breath, tired or have a fast heartbeat? In fact, the autoimmune system is affected. Taking coenzyme q10 will have a protective effect, but the four kinds of people cannot take coenzyme q10. For details, please see the detailed introduction provided by Zhongrui Encyclopedia.

Four kinds of people can't eat coenzyme q10, do you know

People with allergies, lactating women, pregnant women, and those taking anticoagulant drugs should not take coenzyme Q10.

Enzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a fat soluble antioxidant that can improve human immunity and enhance the antioxidant capacity of the body. It is widely used in the clinical prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It can enhance the antioxidant capacity of the heart, reduce blood cholesterol level, prevent atherosclerosis, reduce peripheral vascular resistance, and reduce diastolic pressure. Its antioxidant and anti free radical effects also help to delay the development of Parkinson's disease and delay aging. It is mainly used for auxiliary comprehensive treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis or cancer, such as viral myocarditis, chronic cardiac insufficiency, and increase myocardial nutrition. It can also be used for hepatitis, viral hepatitis, subacute liver necrosis and chronic active hepatitis.

Coenzyme Q10 is not recommended for lactating women because it will affect the development of infants. Breastfed women can pass it on to their babies through breast milk, affecting their development. Due to bile duct blockage, bile cannot be discharged normally, and abdominal pain, jaundice, greasy aversion, fatigue, even chills, high fever and other symptoms may occur. Skin itching and dark urine may also occur, so coenzyme Q10 cannot be taken.

Is it necessary for young people to eat coenzyme q10

Coenzyme Q10 usually refers to coenzyme Q10 preparations. Whether young people can take coenzyme Q10 preparations usually depends on the specific situation. It is suggested that young people should go to the hospital for physical examination on a regular basis and adjust their diet according to their physical conditions, which is good for their health.

Coenzyme Q10 preparation helps protect the heart, and plays an auxiliary role in treating myocardial injury and discomfort caused by long-term overwork. It also helps to strengthen the body's resistance. If young people have myocardial injury and overwork, they can usually take it under the guidance of a doctor. However, if the young people are in good health and have no myocardial injury, it is generally not recommended to take coenzyme Q10 preparation, because any drug has certain side effects, and blind use may cause adverse effects on health.

In daily work and life, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and try to avoid excessive fatigue. In your spare time, take part in more physical exercises, such as running, swimming, mountain climbing, etc., which is conducive to physical exercise and to strengthening the body's resistance.

Can coenzyme q10 be taken for a long time


As a person who studies and takes the only health care product coenzyme for a long time, it can be said that coenzyme Q10 is one of the few health care products that can be insisted on for a long time without increasing the burden. More vitamins will increase the burden of liver and kidney, as will other health products. The normal dose of coenzyme is 100-400Mg. Especially for imported products, about half of them can not be absorbed and consumed. So I personally recommend 200-300 doses, along with meals. The other thing is to change the brand frequently. In addition, don't buy the best doctor with black pepper. Black pepper helps absorb but increases the total bilirubin index.

Experience life 2024-06-17 10:30:58

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