Traditional Chinese medicine tells women that blood tonification should be treated like this

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Traditional Chinese medicine tells women that blood tonification should be treated like this


A happy mood and cheerful personality can not only enhance the immunity of the body, but also help the physical and mental health. At the same time, it can also promote the bone marrow hematopoietic function in the body skeleton to flourish, making the skin ruddy and the face shiny. Therefore, we should always maintain an optimistic mood.


Ensure adequate sleep, energy and physical strength, and achieve daily living, entertainment and leisure. We should learn to live a scientific life, form a modern scientific and healthy lifestyle, not stay up late, not partial to food, not eat snacks, quit smoking and limit alcohol, not having sex in special physiological stages such as menopause or puerperium, etc.


We should always take part in physical exercises, especially for women who have given birth. We should also often take part in physical exercises and outdoor activities within our ability, at least half an hour a day. Such as aerobics, running, walking, playing ball, swimming, dancing, etc., can enhance physical strength and hematopoietic function. Simple massage method for whitening and moisturizing skin.


Women should properly eat more nutritious foods such as high-quality protein rich in "hematopoietic raw materials", essential trace elements (iron, copper, etc.), folic acid and vitamin B12. Such as animal liver, kidney, blood, fish, shrimp, eggs, bean products, black fungus, black sesame, red dates, peanuts, and fresh vegetables and fruits.

Medical maintenance

Anemia patients should take blood nourishing medicinal diet. 15 grams of Codonopsis pilosula and 15 red dates can be used to decoct soup as a substitute for tea; You can also use 60g maltose, 20 red dates, and add some water to cook and eat; It can also eat 20 grams of polygonum multiflorum, 20 grams of medlar, 60 grams of japonica rice, 15 red dates, and some brown sugar boiled immortal porridge, which has the effect of nourishing blood; People with severe anemia can take ferrous sulfate tablets.

In addition, bleeding should also be cured. If women suffer from multiple menstruation, dysmenorrhea, intestinal parasitic disease, atrophic gastritis, upper gastrointestinal ulcer, hemorrhoids or repeated epistaxis, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to cure them as soon as possible. It is also an important condition for women to ensure a healthy body to prevent excessive labor and consume less blood.

Traditional Chinese medicine health women often eat 4 kinds of dried fruits to replenish blood

Women with anemia often have yellow complexion, dry hair, or frequent shortness of breath and fatigue. When our body feels unwell, it is usually caused by lack of life. Chinese medicine says: "Blood is the capital of women". Therefore, if you want to be healthy, you should start from nourishing blood and qi. The following foods can help women to nourish their blood.

Purple raisin

Purple grape is a good blood tonic fruit. After drying the grapes, the iron content per 100g is 9.1 mg. In addition, during the drying process of grapes, the grape skin is retained to the maximum extent (the nutrient content of grape skin is far higher than that of fruit pulp), which is also conducive to the retention of some stable nutrients in raisins, such as iron, zinc, manganese, protein, antioxidant substances, etc.

Dried mulberry

Dry mulberry is the most abundant natural iron in fruits and their products at present, with 42.5 mg iron per 100 grams, which is worthy of the title of "blood enriching fruit" in fruits. It is generally recommended to eat dried mulberry porridge. Eating a bowl of mulberry porridge every day can not only enrich blood, but also beautify the skin.

Black jujube

Among dry dates, black dates and honey dates are the most respected ones. Their iron content per 100g is between 3.7-3.9 mg, which is also a good food for blood supply. Dry dates also contain rich vitamin C, which is an important factor to promote the absorption of iron ions, making the absorption of iron by the body more efficient.

Precautions: However, dried jujube contains rich dietary fiber, which is unfavorable for digestion, so it is not recommended to eat more every day, and it is better to cook soup and porridge.

Longan meat

The iron content of longan meat is about 3.9 mg per 100 grams. It is also rich in iron in fruits. It can be used in the diet of anemia. It is generally suitable to make soup and porridge.

Note: Longan meat is a warm food, not suitable for pregnant women and children.

What kind of food is most nourishing

Black beans: In ancient China, eating beans has always been considered beneficial. Most books will introduce that black beans can make people's hair black. In fact, black beans can also produce blood. The way to eat black beans depends on everyone's preference. If it is postpartum, it is recommended to use black beans to cook black bone chicken.

Nostoc flagelliforme: Nostoc flagelliforme is dark and ugly, but it contains high iron, so it can be used to make soup to enrich blood.

Carrots: Carrots contain high levels of vitamin B and C, as well as a special nutrient - carotene. Carotene is very useful for enriching blood. Carrots are a good soup for enriching blood. But many people don't like carrots. My personal practice is to squeeze carrots and add honey as a drink.

Gluten: This is a folk food. General vegetarian restaurants and braised food stalls are available, and gluten is rich in iron. But blood must be supplemented with iron first.

Spinach: This is the most common vegetable. It is also a famous blood tonic food. spinach is rich in iron carotene, so it can be regarded as an important food in blood tonic vegetables. If you don't like carrots, eat more vegetables.

A real traveler's province is boundless 2024-06-20 11:11:37

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