Breast care methods for different age groups

True and false happiness Ask questions at 17:59:36, June 17, 2024
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Breast care methods for different age groups

Breast care at the age of 30

Most 30-year-old women's breasts are still in good shape and elastic. But if you have or are about to have a child at this time, you should pay attention to the changes in the postpartum chest. During pregnancy, the breast will gradually become larger. After childbirth or breast-feeding, the breast may droop and the cup will also be smaller. This is called "breast aging", mainly because the breast no longer produces milk, and some tissues begin to shrink.

What you need to do is: In order to keep the S-shaped figure longer, women may as well wear sports underwear to avoid sagging breasts. The latest research shows that with ordinary underwear, the breast will move up and down 5cm with every step, while with sports underwear, the proportion of movement will be reduced by 74%. If it can also be trimmed with lace, it is even more icing on the cake. White lace is a symbol of nobility and purity, which is fatal to men.

Between the ages of 35 and 40, women should have a comprehensive mammography and a self-examination every month, which can detect diseases early.

Maintenance: How to care for breasts during adolescence, pregnancy and lactation?

Breast care at the age of 40

At the age of 40, the proportion of fat in the breast began to rise, and increasingly sagging and relaxation became an irresistible process. At this time, women most need to pay attention to breast cysts. Fortunately, most of these lumps are harmless and do not increase the risk of breast cancer.

What you need to do is: stand up straight, which is a good way for women of this age to "healthy milk". As women grow older, their back muscles become more relaxed, and they habitually lean forward when walking or standing. Many people jokingly said that "the chest is almost down to the belly button". At this time, strengthen the muscle training of the upper back, and you will have a beautiful chest and shoulder curve. The simplest way is to straighten your chest, raise your head and stand straight. In addition, doing some chest expansion exercises is also conducive to breast health.

When choosing underwear, you might as well choose some with waistband. It can effectively lift the chest, trim the waist, and give a feeling of "Yingying Yishou". Perhaps the husband will marvel at this: the attractive "little waist spirit" is back.

Breast care at the age of 50

When you enter the age of 50, years will leave marks on your forehead, corners of your mouth, back of your hand, and even your breast. The chest is increasingly relaxed, and other tissues in the breast are almost completely replaced by fat, while the fiber and half fiber are like stretched rubber bands. At this time, women need to worry about breast cancer most. Research shows that one in every 38 people over the age of 50 may have breast cancer.

What you need to do is: the weight is proportional to breast cancer, so women should often measure their waistline, and the size should be less than half of their height.

No matter how out of shape you are, you should buy underwear of appropriate size. The patterns and colors can be more complex, which can not only reflect your maturity and intellectuality, but also enhance your self-confidence.

True and false happiness 2024-06-20 11:12:25

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