Is the sausage poured with boiling water or hot water

Catcher in the Rye Field Ask questions at 11:34:06, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

Sausage is a popular meat product. It has rich taste and tastes delicious. It can be used to make various home dishes. Many people will fill sausages at home. After the sausage is filled, it should be rinsed with hot water to remove the grease on the skin, sterilize, and prevent the sausage from going bad.

Is the sausage poured with boiling water or hot water

It needs to be cleaned with hot water, but the water temperature should not be too high.

After the sausage is filled, it needs to be washed with hot water, because the surface of the newly filled sausage is sticky and there is more grease attached. Washing with hot water can effectively remove the grease, kill the residual bacteria and microorganisms on the casing, effectively prevent the sausage from mildewing and deterioration in the later drying, and improve the food safety. However, it should be noted that, It is not suitable to use water with too high temperature, which may cause the outer layer of sausage to be scalded and even cracked.

Why should I use hot water to flush the filled sausage

The newly packed sausage should be washed with hot water, mainly to prevent unclean things or microorganisms and bacteria from getting on the outside of the casing, which will hinder food safety; At the same time, use hot water to wash away oil stains on the surface to prevent mildew on the surface, which also contributes to food hygiene and safety.

Boil the filled sausage in hot water and then dry it. It can remove some dirt on the surface of the sausage. The surface of the newly filled sausage is sticky. If it is not cleaned and dried, it is easy to get moldy. After cooking, the sausages will dry faster and taste more tender. It is not easy to become firewood. The sausages will be more fragrant and delicious.

Sausages are usually dried for a few days

Sausages generally need to be dried for 7-10 days.

Sausage drying is related to time, temperature, wind and weather. If the weather and temperature are suitable, the sausage will be dry in 7-10 days. It can be seen that the sausage is reddish brown, with slight wrinkles on the surface. It is dry and hard to touch, and basically has been dried.

In addition, the drying time of sausage needs to be controlled reasonably. If the time is too short, it is not conducive to the preservation of sausage. If the time is too long, the taste may change.

Catcher in the Rye Field 2024-06-17 10:30:51

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