Causes of low back pain during ovulation

Break the cocoon into a butterfly Ask questions on 2024-06-17 04:55:45
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Low back pain during ovulation is one of the gynecological problems that afflict many female friends. However, in the face of the symptoms that afflict many people, most people often do not have a good way to deal with it. They often can only slightly relieve the symptoms of soreness by destroying the waist. However, it is not only not good to alleviate our symptoms, but will cause infection and gynecological diseases. What is the cause of low back pain during ovulation.

Is low back pain caused by gynecological diseases? Experts tell us that low back pain during ovulation includes physiological and pathological pain. Different types of low back pain have different treatment methods.

Physiology: If it is physiological, there is no good way. It is recommended that you use a hot water bag to cover your abdomen and back waist during ovulation. It should not be too hot. You should not eat cold food, but drink more warm water. Generally, because of the increase of hormone level in the body during the menstrual period, there will be slight low back pain and abdominal pain. If there is no clinical discomfort, it is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Pathological: In addition, there are also pathological drugs, and the common reasons are as follows: abnormal position of the child, pelvic inflammation, pelvic tumor, ring release and other stimuli, and nerve compression also cause low back pain; Slack of sacrospinal ligaments and strain of lumbar muscles can increase the lumbar support force and cause fatigue and low back pain; Too many births, too many abortions, and too much living.

Low back pain during ovulation is very common for women, but we should distinguish whether our low back pain is caused by physiological or pathological reasons. If it is caused by physiological reasons, it can be improved through simple conditioning care. If it is pathological, it should be treated in hospital in time to prevent the symptoms from worsening.

Break the cocoon into a butterfly 2024-06-20 11:11:33

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