How many Azovudine tablets should I take a few times a day

Settle down and look forward to the future Ask questions on 2024-06-16 13:43:49
Recommended answer

Azovudine tablet is a kind of medicine that attracts more attention in life. It can play a very good therapeutic effect and relieve the discomfort caused by the new crown. There are also certain requirements for taking Azovudine tablets. You can only take five milligrams once a day.

How many Azovudine tablets should I take a few times a day

For patients with COVID-19 infection, the dosage of Azovudine Tablets is 1mg/tablet, 5mg each time, once a day, swallowed whole tablets on an empty stomach, not crushed, and the course of treatment shall not exceed 14 days at most.

It is worth noting that Azovudine tablets are not suitable for all adults infected with COVID-19. Jiang Chenxiao, for example, for patients with moderate renal insufficiency, taking Azovudine tablets should be reduced to 3mg each time, once a day; Patients with severe renal insufficiency should use the drug with caution. Patients with moderate to severe liver dysfunction and those with a history of pancreatitis should be treated with Azovudine with caution. At the same time, experts remind that patients during pregnancy and lactation are not recommended to use Azovudine tablets. Patients of childbearing age should take effective contraceptive measures during the treatment period of Azovudine and within 4 days after the last administration. In addition, there is still a lack of research on the use of drugs for children and adolescents, as well as the elderly aged 60 years and above.

In the aspect of drug combination, Jiang Chenxiao reminded that those allergic to Azovudine tablets or any other component in the preparation should not use it; If patients with hepatitis B or hepatitis C are combined with antiretroviral therapy, it is necessary to regularly check liver function and detect markers of HBV replication; HIV patients with COVID-19 should not use Azovudine tablets before anti HIV treatment, otherwise it will induce drug resistance of HIV virus; If you are taking 3 kinds of antiviral drugs, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and add Azovudine.

The experts emphasized that Azovudine tablets must be taken according to the instructions and in combination with the patient's own conditions and liver and kidney functions. They must be taken under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist, and not on their own.

How about the effect of Azovudine

The international multicenter phase III clinical study results of Azovudine tablets proved its efficacy and safety against COVID-19. The clinical trial results show that Azovudine has significant efficacy in inhibiting the replication of COVID-19, accelerating the clearance of COVID-19, alleviating symptoms, and shortening the course of disease. It is safer to use Azovudine at low doses. Moreover, because the target SARS-CoV-2 RdRp is relatively conservative and the mutation rate is low, Azovudine has the potential to effectively fight against a variety of variants. Azovudine cleared COVID-19 for 5 days.

Taboos of Azovudine Tablets

According to the drug instructions of Azovudine tablets, it is forbidden to use Azovudine or any other ingredient in the preparation for patients with allergy. Azovudine tablets generally need to be combined with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. It is not suitable to use this drug alone for antiviral treatment to avoid discomfort. At the same time, the drug should not be used blindly with other anti infective drugs to avoid drug interaction.

It is suggested that patients with COVID-19 infection should consult their doctors before taking Azovudine tablets, and take them according to their own conditions under the guidance of doctors to avoid the above side effects and adverse reactions.

Settle down and look forward to the future 2024-06-17 10:30:51

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