Did relatives give money to newlyweds in the first year

Lingding Shengfeng Ask questions on 2024-06-13 05:51:08
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Many people ask whether relatives of newlyweds give money in the first year of marriage. After all, it is a very sacred thing for a couple to enter the marriage palace. Marriage is very important for every couple. Marriage means the beginning of a new life, so there are many folk customs to pay attention to when getting married. Let's find out which relatives to visit in the first year of marriage.

Did relatives give money to newlyweds in the first year

Generally speaking, when newly married couples go to relatives' homes to pay New Year's greetings, it mainly depends on what the elders think. It is OK to give or not to give, because different elders have different ideas. However, in some families, the elders are considerate, because red envelopes symbolize prosperity and success in their careers. In the year of their children's new marriage, they will give red envelopes to their children, which will be very large. I hope they will be as happy and successful as this red envelope in the future.

Which relatives to visit in the first year of marriage

In the first year of marriage, we have to go to the aunts, aunts and uncles of both men and women to visit relatives. It is generally unnecessary for relatives farther away. When visiting relatives, if you meet a child from a relative's family, you should also make a red envelope to send lucky money. The money is not much, just for the sake of happiness.

Where to celebrate the Spring Festival in the first year of marriage

Usually, it should be spent at the husband's home, because it is a time to celebrate a busy holiday. If you go back to your parents' home on the first day of the New Year, you will be criticized by neighbors, who think that the husband's family is treating his wife unfairly, which leads the bride to run back to her parents' home. According to the traditional view, after marriage, she becomes the hostess of the new family, and should focus on domestic affairs. It is better to stay and help entertain guests, Wait until the second day of the first month is a good day to return home, then you can bring gifts to go. And according to the older generation, the first Spring Festival of newlyweds is a taboo against empty houses, so we should increase popularity at home.

Lingding Shengfeng 2024-06-17 10:30:57

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