What is the reason for frequent pimples on the chin

Stepping on flowers and touring the lake Ask questions at 16:51:15 on May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

If there are frequent pimples on the chin, it may be related to the occurrence of hair follicle sebadenitis in this part. Inflammation may have a direct relationship with the local tissue structure of the patient. The skin appendages in this part are relatively developed, especially the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are relatively dense. If the endocrine function of the patient is disordered, resulting in a large amount of sebum produced in the sebaceous glands, a certain accumulation will be formed inside the sebaceous gland ducts in this part. When the immune function of the human body drops or is excessively tired, It will stimulate local conditional pathogen infection, and eventually form a certain inflammatory reaction. At this time, we will see a certain amount of inflammatory acne. If the acne inflammatory reaction is obvious, it will also cause some pustules and redness.

Stepping on flowers and touring the lake 2024-05-27 11:14:15

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