What to eat for kidney stones

Keep quiet for a lifetime Ask questions at 18:13:15 on May 22, 2024
Recommended answer

If it is confirmed to be a kidney stone by ultrasound, the size, location and smoothness of the kidney stone should be checked before treatment. If the kidney stone is relatively small, it can be treated with oral antispasmodic pain relief and stone removal drugs to promote the excretion of stones. If it is a relatively large kidney stone with a diameter of about one centimeter, it is best to treat it by extracorporeal lithotripsy or surgery. During the treatment, eat more diuretic fruits, such as pear, watermelon, lemon, apple, etc. In addition, a large amount of water is also needed during the treatment, which can flush the urethra, and stones can be discharged from the body by themselves through the flushing of urine. In the process of stone dumping, it is necessary to recheck the color ultrasound in time to understand the situation of stone dumping.

Keep quiet for a lifetime 2024-05-27 11:15:05

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